I remember when weekends were the light at the end of the tunnel. They were something to look forward to, a reason to breathe a sigh of relief on a Friday. They were sleep ins and days out and fun. But now, I see all the TGIF posts and excitement over the weekend and wonder where they have all gone. Because now they’re all sweeping and mopping and tantrums and, mostly, lunches alone because by the time I’ve made all the starving people their lunches and then made my own they’re all finished and doing whatever they do. I’m not even really talking about life before children, just life before now.
The worst thing? Now, these weekends – which are exactly like every other day, except I have two extra people at home to contend with – are also full of things that drain me like crazy. Like kid’s parties. I never understood why people would refer to ‘party season’, but now, I get it. Because it’s here.
For an introvert like me, I need down time and alone time to recharge. Especially after these big dos. Unfortunately, my family currently seem to have a ‘if nobody’s touching mummy, quickly rectify that’ pact. So, I am never getting over anything.
I would love nothing more than a sleep in, lunch out all together, a wander to the beach as a family and some time to write alone.
Speaking of writing, for sometime now I have been contemplating a ‘writing’ blog. Whether a ‘fictional’ blog or one simply for any fictional work I might like to share, I’m not sure. Either way, I like the idea of a place to showcase my writing. You know, other than here. While I realise that this is a place where I share my voice, I also know that my fictional voice is different. My writing style.
I’ve got NaNoWriMo on the brain and I feel confident I can smash it this year. Even though I have not reached the goal any of the previous years. This time around feels different. No new babies, no anti-depressants, no excuses and an actual idea. This year I am also looking at ‘failure’ differently. I’ve re-framed. Whether I reach 50, 000 words by the end of November or not I will have tried, grown, stretched myself. That can only be a good thing.
I need to get onto it because I have a tattoo to remind me of what I should be doing and I like it too much to have to cover it up. It would really suck for my second tatt to only count as one. If that even makes sense.
I’m kind of obsessed with getting another tattoo. One representing my children. It’s all planned in my head. I sometimes think about it when I should be sleeping (on the occasions when I am not writing perfect blog posts which never see the light of day. So frustrating). Which, actually, I should be doing now.
Do you miss your weekends?
Do you/would you/have you considered a writing blog?
Are you obsessed with tattoos?